Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm actively hearing words again. I woke up from a dream today and I heard the word excoriating. For many years now, on occasion, I will hear words and will often later find out why I heard the word. Excoriating (v.) - 1. denouncing or berating severely; flaying verbally 2. stripping off or removing the skin from ...well, today I am excoriating all negative thoughts and self-doubt that have hampered me from flowing in my anointing as a writer. I have been stymied by my own lack of discipline to pursue my passion: Writing. Just as prayer is my solace, writing is my release of the deposits and impartations in my life's experience. Simply stated writing, for me, is catharsis. I am inspired to write again and, to be honest, that is the only time I can write. I have not yet mastered sitting down and writing because I know that I need to in order to hone and sharpen my craft. No, I usually rely on an unction to write because I know it's going to be free-flowing and not halting. I attended a writer's workshop several years ago and the facilitator said that to be a good writer you have to be a good reader. I have to get on the job, if that truly is the case, because I am sorely lacking when it comes to reading. I would love to return to my early school days when I loved to read and would take 5-10 books out of the library at a time because my best friend and I were in a competition to see who could read the most books. But the fun part about it was that we would read and then recommend to each other the good books we read. Now, that's where I need to stoke that love of reading again and make the time, because that's what's lacking, to read more. Read any good books lately?


  1. Hi Cheryl. I share your love for writing and I, too, write under the unction. I can relate to you. You asked if anyone had read any good books lately. I would like to recommend one: "The Rules of Engagement" {the art of strategic prayer and spiritual warfare} by Cindy Trimm. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

  2. Hazel, thanks for the recommendation. A co-worker had also encouraged me to read the book. It's nice that you are the first to comment on my site since I only learned, in recent years, that writing is our shared passion. Write on, sister :)
